Over the past 10 years, backlinks and a continued link building strategy has been emphasized as for the ranking of small and large websites alike. But, what about newly created websites or sites with little to no backlinks that seem to rise quickly in search results? Is there some secret “new” code that they’ve cracked? No, the answer is simple; their focus is on content marketing.
Content Still Wears the Crown
With regard to search engines, the more backlinks a website has the more credible it appears, but the traffic that can be generated with a properly placed links on a popular site can be priceless. We’ve all heard the statement, “Content is King”, yet marketers continually spend huge budgets on tactics they think will magically skyrocket their websites to the top of search results. Backlinks are still very relevant and should be included into any internet marketing strategy, but your websites content should always be the focus. With great content, you drive more quality traffic to your website and begin to establish yourself as an authority as viewers begin to comment and link to your content.
Google’s Matt Cutts released a video that provides accurate insight on this topic.
Enjoy the video!
Factors that influence Google’s search results when there are little or no backlinks
- Is the content relevant to the page?
- Is the content provide value or quality to the web?
- Is the domain reputable?
- Website design
- Keywords!!!!!
To Backlink or Not
As new SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques arise the debate over whether backlinks are relevant or not rages on. As stated earlier, content is king, not prince or clergy. The king is usually the highest position in any structure and the same is true for a website’s placement in search results.
Should you still invest in backlinks? Absolutely, but if your content strategy is weak, no one will look forward to reading your content and eventually the backlinks you’ve worked so hard for with be worth very little. Remember, the Internet began as a method of sharing information and that basic function is still in place. Be awesome, and readers will follow.