Every business whether new or old has the goal of converting leads into sales. While generating traffic in-store and online are the initial goals for budding or failing businesses, ultimately, your customers need to give you money. How much money and how often they give it to you depends on your product or service and how it’s presented.
Converting Leads Into Sales Means Listening
One basic skill that many business overlook in converting leads into sales is listening. Once you identify a consumer need, learn to listen to the market and it will tell you all it’s secrets. Your customer will tell you how they want it, if they want it, how much and how often they want it. When you really begin to break down your product or service to the most basic components, you will begin to see what’s great about it and why your customers should invest in you.
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all great places to chime in on the consumer pulse. Read reviews, concerns and suggestions that will give you the insight to convert leads into sales. Social media is also a direct path to your story and a method of converting the now paying customer into a loyal follower.
You’ve Listened Now Speak
Now that you have a firm idea of what your customer wants, speak to them. Your mouthpiece is your landing page. It identifies your product and educates your customer within a dedicated space that highlights your product or service. Your landing page copy should be professionally written with lead conversion in mind. Since you listened first, you know exactly what to say.
Always remember, to convert leads into sales, less is more. Your message should be concise and laser-focused with a clear call to action. What do you want them to do? Make it clear to your customer so they don’t miss it or you’ll be in a world of spam.
Keep Their Heads Ringing
Now it’s time to shout it from the mountain tops, your website, in-store, and social media. Post great content and tell amazing stories with links that point back to your landing page sales copy. These links will strengthen your website’s SEO making it rise in rankings generating more traffic while converting leads into sales.
By utilizing social media people become magnetized to your brand message if you can accomplish this in a cool way. As you connect with more influencers who attract your crowd, you will find more places to tell your story. As you continue to post and shout your brand message it will become ingrained within you customers and they will also become your brand ambassadors and spread the message for you. This is a great way to keep them coming back time after time generating passive income as your marketing efforts begin to automate themselves.
The only real secret to converting leads into sales is a great message. This great message first begins with listening to your customers need, speaking to them with authority and repeating this process as often and as accurately as you can.