Website Maintenance Plans

Routine Site Checks

We run routine diagnostics to address any security or technical issues with your website as they arise. Social engineering, ransomware, and DDoS attacks are a websites top threats. We identify then deploy the appropriate countermeasures needed to deter exploitations of vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

website maintenance plans
seo content optimization

Your Website is
a Thing of Beauty

Any Website Updates

We assists in all types of website updates like editing existing pages, uploading images, adding or removing pages, or regularly posting to your blog. Our website maintenance plans streamline your website's growth while keeping it optimized and up to date.

Know Better Do Better

Website Development

Increase your website’s functionality by adding new features, adding landing pages, or building sales funnels for marketing campaigns. Add forms to capture leads then turn those into conversions with database marketing.

database marketing
website hosting maintenance

Web Hosting Services

Managed Website Hosting

The Applied Visual can manage hosting compatibility issues after server updates, update domain records, or change WordPress permalinks.

Web Design Sitemapping

Site Maps / Information Architecture

We will construct content outline or a site map, list the number of pages within a website with a description of content for each individual page then identify any opportunities for optimization. We'll also including a Competitive Analysis of your top competitor sites for content ideas.

website architecture mapping
website photo editing

1 Picture= 1000 Words

Image Editing / Optimization

We create visuals needed for your website’s new content, such as stock photo or icon selection. Complete audit and optimization of your website’s image sizes and descriptions. Image optimization is one of the most important steps when optimizing your website.

Optimized Content
Makes Websites Faster

Content Optimization

Depending on the website maintenance plan you choose, we take one or several pages of the website each month and review the website’s code, compatibility, or formatting issues..

Domiate SEO
OnPage & Off

Technical SEO

Search engines like Google are constantly changing their algorithms and guidelines requiring frequent technical updates that keep your website fully compliant and optimized. We study these requirements, identifies the necessary changes and updates your website accordingly.

website content management

Website Maintenance Plans

Website Maintenance List of Services

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