social media hawaii

Social Media: Bully or Lifesaver

social media hawaii

One theme seems to be uniform when I speak with clients about their small business needs and aspirations; technology is overwhelming. The Internet and social media have single-handedly changed the way we communicate and do business.

In 2007, I remember talking to clients about the need to create a strong online presence integrated with social media. No matter how many facts ...

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outsource social media

Should Small Business Owners Outsource Social Media Services?

Are you a business owner with a small team? Do you feel that your social media marketing activities take too much time? If you’ve nodded affirmatively, then it’s time to outsource professional services to do the job.

Many businesses don’t realize the value of outsourcing social media. If they find social media management time consuming, they would rather compromise and interact less on social pages with ...

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How to Increase Website Traffic Using Pinterest

how to increase website traffic

Are you wondering how to increase website traffic to your blog? Do you wish to increase your blog’s readership? If these are the questions needing answers, then its time you took advantage of Pinterest to attract and drive heavy website traffic in the fastest time. Yes, you got that right! Pinterest is a social sharing network that has gained huge popularity in a short time span.

Recent Facts about ...

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Misconceptions About SEO and Google Updates

Since the newest Google update of Penguin 2.0 there have been many questions and concerns from SEO’s and website owners about where to focus their energies and budgets to maximize results. As always, if you’re focused on serving up great content that keeps your readers engaged then you will have no problems with this or any other update Google may throw at you.

Matt Cutts, head of Google search spam, released a great video talking about misconceptions in the SEO industry. ...

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Search Engine Report: How Google Works

Have you ever wondered how Google works? Or what determines which websites get ranked for popular keyword searches? Today we will go back in time to learn what makes Google tick.

Anyone with a website knows that Google is the most dominant search engine out there and if you can rank well within this search engine it could equate to more website traffic and interest in your website and ultimately increased sales.

Google Matt Cutts explains how Google search actually works. Matt ...

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Website Monetization: Make Your Website a Money Maker

cheap web design

Are you a successful brick and mortar business owner? Are you now thinking of competing with the industry giants on a global scale? Looking for the perfect opportunity to cash in on and boost your business sales? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this post is a must read for you!

If you are looking forward to giving your competition a run for their money, then it’s time ...

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Penguin 2.0: Google and SEO in Summer 2013

As you might have noticed, SEO as we know it has begun to change from strategies centered on link building to ones focused more serving up relative and engaging content. Any SEO worth their salt knew this from the beginning but many people have been duped by shady SEO’s promising overnight results. We all knew it’s been coming for some time now and the warnings have been going out since late 2011 but in the summer of 2013 we will ...

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Social Media: What’s in it for Businesses

social media

The rapid increase in Internet competition has made it difficult for businesses to maintain and sustain a business edge. To ensure this, businesses along with a visually appealing website also need to have a strong and an impactful social media presence on all popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Today, social media, what was previously considered as a passing fad, has now become one of the most effective marketing ...

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